Current version: 0.29

TabletWM is a window manager for XWindows, designed to be used in devices like mobile phones, tablets, or other with small screens. Unlike other window managers, TabletWM maximizes windows whenever it can. It also doesn't add window decorations, allowing to use the whole screen. It tries to follow the ICCCM and EWHM standards, being able to know when it can maximize a window and when it is not adequate.
It allows three actions:
- Close current window: pressing Alt+F4.
- Change to the next application: pressing Alt+TAB.
- Change to the next window in the current application: pressing Ctrl+TAB (useful for apps with several windows).
It has, also, an on-screen keyboard and a bar with buttons that allows to do that operations with the mouse, if desired.
It is a very lightweight window manager (about 25Kbytes) based on XCB and Cairo, that needs some kind of application launcher to be fully useful, like TabletLauncher.
GIT Repository
History of versions
- version 0.29 (2017/10/03)
- Added support for Ctrl+letter
- version 0.28 (2017/10/01)
- Fixed all cases with the MENU key
- version 0.27 (2017/10/01)
- Allows to resize the window when the screen keyboard is visible
- version 0.26 (2017/09/30)
- Changes to allow to work with systemd
- Now exits the window manager during shut down
- version 0.25 (2014/02/01)
- Allows to send clicks to the application when the on-screen keyboard is visible
- Added border and gradients to the buttons
- version 0.24 (2013/12/16)
- Now works with languages that use comma instead of dot as decimal separator
- version 0.22 (2013/10/08)
- Full XRandR support
- Fixed flicker in the on-screen keyboard
- version 0.21 (2013/10/03)
- Extra checks to avoid core dumps
- version 0.20 (2013/09/24)
- Fixed LC_ALL compilation
- Added memory usage icon
- version 0.19 (2013/09/22)
- Added battery level and charge connected
- Added clock
- Fixed flickers
- version 0.18 (2013/09/20)
- Fixed a lock when a window is too big
- version 0.17 (2013/09/19)
- Added support for PREFIX and DESTDIR in Makefile
- Fixed problems with locales and keyboards
- version 0.16 (2013/09/18)
- Added files for autorun X11 and the window manager during startup